For employee

Work Smart, Be Merry: Balancing Work, Finances, and Holidays

November 21, 2023


Balancing Work, Finances, and Holidays

Finding the balance between productivity at work and festive spirit can be a bit tricky. With the holidays around the corner, it’s time to figure out how to stay on top of your responsibilities without drowning in more stress. We’ve put together some simple tricks to help you stay on top of your work while having the time and energy to enjoy the season. 

Plan ahead 

Mark your vacation days so you can manage your workload efficiently. Apart from plotting your leaves, create a budget that includes holiday expenses like gifts, decorations, and feasts. Remember to keep your holiday budget separate from recurring expenses. 

Set boundaries

During the holidays, set clear boundaries for your work hours. Communicate to your family and colleagues, so everyone knows the days you are in “work mode” and offline to be fully present with friends and family. Boundaries also apply to holiday budgets; stick to it to avoid overspending.

Prioritize tasks

Review your deliverables and rank them according to urgency or relevance. Identify your high-priority projects and tackle them first. Focus on completing your tasks before the holidays start to ensure you can truly enjoy your time off.

Use technology

Take advantage of digital tools, not only for work but also for managing your finances. Use project management apps (Asana, Jira, Trello, ClickUp, NetSuite) for work and budgeting apps (Spending, Money Lover, Monefy) for finances. The SAVii Salary Finance App is also available on iOS and Android should you need financial support. 

Communicate effectively

Keep your team informed about your schedule and availability. Be open with your family about your holiday budget, gift expectations or limits, schedule conflicts, and other boundaries this season. Setting expectations in work, finances, and other personal matters can help you achieve a stress-free holiday and avoid feelings getting hurt.

Embrace flexibility

If your schedule allows, consider adjusting your work hours to accommodate family gatherings or holiday traditions. Similarly, be flexible with your priorities in spending, focusing on meaningful experiences rather than extravagant gifts.

Celebrate with purpose 

Finally, celebrate the holidays with purpose, not only in terms of career and family but also in managing your finances wisely. Embrace the joy of the season, spend quality time with loved ones, and make responsible financial choices for a prosperous new year.

Balancing work, finances, and holidays is possible—and minimal stress! 

Make a list (and check it twice!) to ensure you have a meaningful holiday season, professionally and financially.