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Buy Now, Pay Later: What’s behind the hype?

August 2, 2024

We’ve all been there: eyeing that latest gadget or stylish outfit but feeling the pinch of our budget. Then here comes Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL), a payment scheme that allows you to afford something now and pay for it in smaller amounts over time. 

BNPL feels like a lifeline when expenses pile up. But just like with any other financing product, understanding the pros and cons will help you avoid falling into a debt trap. Let’s explore the good and not-so-good so you can use BNPL to your advantage.

The perks

  • Instant purchases. Who doesn’t get excited about getting what they need right away? BNPL can be a helpful tool for immediate purchases, whether it’s that trendy pair of shoes or a necessary home appliance.
  • Flexible payment plans. Various installment options make it easier for consumers to afford purchases and pay them off at a comfortable pace.
  • Interest-free options. Many BNPL services offer interest-free payment periods if you stay on track with your payments, avoiding extra charges on large purchases.

The risks 

  • Impulse buying. The ease of using BNPL can turn shopping into an impulse-fueled frenzy. It’s all too easy to buy things you don’t need, leading to a cycle of debt.
  • Hidden fees. Always read the fine print—unexpected charges due to late payments can add up quickly!
  • Credit score risks. Late payments might be reported to credit agencies, potentially hurting your credit health and affecting your eligibility to secure loans in the future. 

BNPL is a good option to help extend tight budgets and allow for urgent, big-ticket purchases for daily needs. By understanding its benefits and potential pitfalls, you can make informed decisions that will help you use BNPL to your advantage. 

But true financial wellness isn’t about quick fixes to money problems. Before you rely on BNPL, prioritize other strategies that won’t hurt your financial goals like slowly saving up for big purchases, buying affordable second-hand items, and borrowing instead of buying brand new. 

You can also explore other financing alternatives that are better aligned with your financial situation. Check out SAVii Salary Loan for low interest rates, flexible payment terms, and no late penalty fees.